Amanda Kuenzi, M.S.F., Community Science Director

A botanist at her core, Amanda began her career studying fire ecology at Bandelier National Monument with a team of ecologists and educators promoting restoration following the Cerro Grande Fire. She then pursued a Master’s degree at Northern Arizona University, where she did her research on the post-fire plant community of the Rodeo-Chediskifire. She worked as a botanist in Grand Canyon National Park for two years, as part of the National Vegetation Mapping Project. Since moving to Durango in 2009, she has worked as an environmentalconsultant, specializing in rare plants, biology and wetlands. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, Amanda fell in love with environmental education through her work leading urban youth for the Student Conservation Agency. Amanda leads MSI’s programs for community engagement and citizen science, as well as participating in field projects that capitalize on her botany, restoration and stewardship expertise.  Amanda lives in Durango, CO with her husband where she likes to backpack, hike and raft.

Contact Amanda at