Thanks to donors like you, MSI has been empowering communities in the San Juan Mountains via "science people can use" for over two decades.

The demand for local science and outdoor education opportunities is higher than ever - will you help us answer the call? Help us plant the seeds of education and research for the next 20 years.

Mountain Studies Institute (MSI) is an independent not-for-profit mountain research and education center established in 2002 in Silverton, Colorado. MSI develops science that people can use to address environmental issues facing the San Juan Mountains. We conduct and facilitate research, provide educational opportunities and internships, and conduct environmental monitoring. We connect scientists and stakeholders across the San Juan Mountain region to go beyond scientific inquiry to the meaningful application of knowledge that makes a difference for the quality of the environment and our communities.

2022-2023 Annual Report

2021-2023 Strategic Plan

2021 Annual Report