Scott Roberts


Meet Scott Roberts, MSI's Program Director, leading bug finder and water quality detective.

MSI: What do you love about living and working in the San Juan Mountains? 

SR: I love the juxtaposition and connectivity of the San Juan Mountians with the deserts of Utah and the Four Corners area, as well as the influence of the diverse geological setting of the San Juan Mountains on aquatic systems. 

MSI: What kind of projects do you work on for MSI? What is your favorite project that you work on and why? 

SR: My projects focus on aquatic ecology, river health, benthic macroinvertebrates, water quality, public outreach and education.
My favorite project is partnering with Trout Unlimited, the Animas River Stakeholders Group, the City of Durango and local stakeholders to try to understand temporal trends and spatial patterns of aquatic life health. 

MSI: What is your most memorable, rewarding, challenging, or awkward experience from your time at MSI? 

SR: I enjoy watching students get their hands muddy collecting critters and bugs in local rivers.

MSI: What do you think is the most exciting change MSI has undergone in the last 15 years? (or in the time you've been with MSI?)

SR: The most exciting change has been the increase in staff numbers and how that has translated to increased effectiveness and impact in the community. Now we're able to work with more students, conduct more research, and generally expand our impact.